Name___________________________     Date_______________

Weekly Reading  Test

1)  Review the words one time for the students - then read the following directions:
For our weekly reading test, I am going to call out the words you see in the boxes below.  Try to find the word I say and write it in the correct numbered space.  Make sure you listen carefully to the sounds I say as this will help you find the correct word.  Words for numbers 1 through 5 will come from the top row and numbers 6-10 will come from the bottom row.   For numbers 1-5 call out the top row words in random order, making sure you say each word slowly while stressing each sound.  Do the same for numbers 6-10.  After giving the test, students will be asked, beginning in Lesson 10, to choose any word and place it into a sentence.  Sentence writing  is too difficult for most students in Grade 1 until about the 3rd month of school.   Therefore, for Lessons 1-9, use this space to have them write the more difficult "Words of the Day" (last word in each row) three times each.  When completed, you can choose to have the students correct their own papers or grade them on your own and pass them back.  Any word a child writes incorrectly should be re-written in the "Correction Space" next to the word. 
am an at as the
and can cat had said

Top Row Words

Correction Space

Bottom Row Words

Correction Space

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Sentence Writing Test

Student Directions:
Write the two "Words of the Day" - three times each.