Detailed Directions
for Administering the Grade 2 Weekly Reading Test

Begin by reviewing the sounds and words in the vocabulary word boxes on the paper one time for the students - then say something similar to what is written here:

"For our weekly reading test, I am going to use Definition Clues to describe the words in the box.  See if you can figure out the word I am talking about and write it in the correct space.  Some of these are a little bit "tricky" so listen carefully. Words for numbers 1 through 7 will come from the first box,  8-14 will come from the 2nd box, 15-21 from the 3rd box and 22-28 from last box on the far right."  

Begin by thinking of a Definition Clue for a word in the first box.  For example, you could say - "Number 1 - This word is something that someone does when they are sleepy - What is it?"   Give students about 30 seconds to find and write the word, then say the word for those students who were unable to find it with a Definition Clue.  You'll be surprised at how much students enjoy this "riddle" test-taking strategy.  Continue the Definition Clues with the remaining words, if you can't think of a Definition Clue - you can use an antonym, synonym or just simply call out the word (which is the simplest recognition memory procedure).   

For number 29 on the test paper (labeled Review Word), pick a difficult word from the previous week's vocabulary (usually one of the "Words of the Day").  Call it out and let the students try to spell the word.  

Write a word on the board from this week's list that you think would be good for creating a sentence.  Discuss the word and its meaning and tell students to put it into a sentence using at least 5 words, but hopefully 7-8.  Tell students to try to make the sentence "Come Alive" and sound interesting.  Tell them that you want them to "Paint a Picture" with their words so that everyone can see what they are talking about.  Many students get bogged down in writing because they are so worried about spelling the word incorrectly. Tell them that if they can't spell a word that it is OK.  There is nothing wrong with spelling a word incorrectly at this age as long as they try their best to sound it out.  How do they sound out words?  Nothing can beat the strategy known as "SAY IT IN SLOW MOTION."   The phrase describes exactly what they must do to sound out the word.  This trick will improve spelling dramatically as long as the student has their consonant and vowel sounds memorized completely.