Try ReadingKEY for just 10 minutes
and you'll immediately observe the following:
1. Clear solid progress in minutes - not weeks or months!
2. Students truly enjoy doing the program
3. Frustration and feelings of failure - Gone!
Every page is clearly marked with the steps to follow showing the teacher or parent exactly what to do step-by-step.
1. More Progress in Less Time
The ReadingKEY Program makes the learning process far more
efficient, thereby resulting in more progress in less time. Students
typically advance 1 year in reading ability in just two to three months with 20-30 minute
instruction 4-5 days a week. This increased learning ability by your student can be
seen in just 5-10 minutes and the true power of the program can be seen in astounding
retention of the previous days vocabulary after 24 hours. This improved learning
rate is easily seen by the student (and teacher), resulting in higher self-esteem,
confidence, willingness to work, and more importantly, letting everyone see that important
goals are now attainable.
2. Frustration to Enthusiasm
Like playing tennis, if you are able to hit the ball over the net it's fun. If you can't, then you become frustrated and will not enjoy the game. This same analogy applies to ReadingKEY. Your student will be hitting the ball over the net throughout the entire program resulting in smiles of accomplishment and self-esteem instead of the opposite!
3. Become an Expert Reading Teacher in 5 min.
ReadingKEY is very easy to use! Simply follow the 10 steps in the Class Program or 4 steps in the Student List Program. Your preparation time is
also dramatically reduced. We've done all the work for you and laid out materials in an
easy to use sequential format. In a "one-on-one" tutoring setting, you simply PRINT several vocabulary lists from our ReadingKEY Weekly page and tape them along
a wall side by side. Guide your student through the four memorization steps listed at the top of each page and observe progress like you have never seen before! Move onto
the next list only when your student can read the 5-7 words in less than 3-4
seconds. If you complete one list per day your student will advance one year in reading ability in one years time. If you complete 2 lists per day you are then
advancing 2 years in one years time - 3 lists, 3 years etc. Most students can master a reading list in less than 5 minutes. Some students require 7 minutes, some 8 minutes and students with severe learning disabilities may need 10 to 15 minutes to be able to correctly learn the list of words. This demonstrates that while each student has their own rate of progress, practically 100% of all students will be able to learn to read the necessary vocabulary for their grade level. It also demonstrates how students reading below grade level now have a tool to quickly "catch-up" to where they should be reading - whether one year behind, two years behind etc. Classrooms that
maintain steady progress of one list per day using the "Classroom Reading Wall
Program" will insure their students are learning precisely what they should be
learning for their grade.
A Mathematical Reading Vocabulary Program
Students learn words according to their mathematical frequency of use as found in the most popular grade level elementary school textbooks for Literature, Geography, Social Studies, Science, and even Math. In other words, vocabulary is taught from "most-common" to "least-common." Certainly, a logical process for reading instruction...
ReadingKEY Program introduces approximately 340 words for Grade 1 and then 700-800 new reading words for each grade level for Grades 2 through 6. When your student has mastered all words in ReadingKEY, he/she will be reading at a solid beginning 7th grade level. The vocabulary words have been sub-divided into vowel sound categories of about 7 words per list (this strategy alone contributes greatly
to student progress). The decoding techniques your student will learn using ReadingKEY
also teaches them how to "figure-out" words they don't know and greatly improves
spelling skills as well.
Findings from No Child
Left Behind
Reading Programs Must Incorporate Research!
We are firm believers in research
conclusions from No Child Left Behind. No Child Left Behind is a U.S. Government project
that funded research at college universities from Florida to California. The purpose was to find out which
methods work best for teaching children how to read. After decades of work, No Child Left Behind concluded that successful readers have 2 skills that other students lack:
The ability to know the sounds of letters and where the sounds are located in words - beginning - middle or end. As can be expected, this skill greatly increases the ability to decode (soundi-out) unknown words.
Word recognition is simply the ability to look at a word and say it correctly without hesitation. This can be further broken down into vocabulary (knowing the words relevant for that student's grade level) and fluency (saying the words quickly and easily). In other words, to be able to comprehend the meaning of a paragraph, the student must be able to read the words easily and without frustration. Of course, if a student is hesitating or stammering over words in a sentence, we certainly can't expect them to remember the content efficiently. It is hard to argue with this logic, but
unfortunately, many reading programs still do not insure that vocabulary and fluency are
attained before engaging in elaborate comprehension exercises.
Knowing What to Teach
If it is agreed upon that No Child Left
Behind is correct in their conclusions that vocabulary and fluency are the essential backbone for reading success, we then need to know which vocabulary
words should be taught and in what order.
We Analyzed the Most Popular School Textbooks
Our initial goal when designing ReadingKEY was to identify the precise reading words a student should know for their grade level. We were not aware of any group that had previously attempted or accomplished this, so we had to decide upon what criteria to use in this type of organization. In other words, what criteria should be used to decide if a particular word should be listed in one grade level or another?
Teach Words: Most-Common to Least-Common
To make the most progress in the least amount of time, a reading program should teach words that are seen more often first, and then advance from this. In the summer of 1999, we literally spent months typing the text into computers from the most popular reading and academic textbooks from Houghton Mifflin, Scholastic and Accelerated Reader. We then developed a computer program that counted how often each word appeared and placed them in order from "most-common" to "least-common." (By the way, the word "the" is the most common word in early elementary reading books). Our next step was to place these words into Grade Level categories. This was done by researching how many words an "average" child could learn each day of the week. After testing and following student performance for several years, we concluded that an average Grade 1 student can effectively learn 10 words per week and students in Grade 2 and higher have the ability to learn from 20-30 words per week. Also of interest, we found that students following this schedule typically score in the top 10%
on any standardized reading test (i.e. WoodCock-Johnson Revised). Along with the 5 to 7 words taught per daily list, we found that organizing these words along vowel sound categories further reduced the time needed to learn a set of words. In other words, we teach the most-common short-a words first (am-an-and-can) and most-common short-e words next (red, men, let, get). We also grouped words along long vowel sounds,
r-controlled vowels, and the sounds "ou" - "oo" - "oy" and "oi."
Two Programs Included:
One for the Classroom -
One for Tutoring, "One-on-One"
Whether you teach reading to one child or a
classroom of students, ReadingKEY has the
perfect materials for your reading program. After reading this introduction, please try our free
materials at Here, you can try our
Classroom Reading Wall Program with a classroom of students or the Student Reading Wall Program for amazing improvement in a one-on-one tutoring situation. Both programs insure your students are being
taught the precise reading vocabulary words they should know fo their grade level. Our Remedial
Program (called the Student Reading Wall Program) is designed for quickly pulling-up
students who are reading one, two, three or more years below their current grade level.
Typical results seen are 1 year advancement in reading test scores in 2-3 months with
three or four 30 minute lessons weekly.
What Makes a Better
Reading Program?
A better reading program is one that
simply achieves more progress in less time. You will not spend time reading complex random paragraphs and "hope" that learning occurs. Instead, student energy is focused on special learning techniques covering important grade level vocabulary words. This concentrated effort on small lists of vocaubulary words makes a tremendous difference!
Use ReadingKEY
Alongside your Current Reading Program?
Since ReadingKEY is a unique vocabulary-based instruction program, it is an ideal supple to any reading program used in school or at home. In other words, ReadingKEY is used to insure students can read the words seen in their grade level textbooks. All of this improves the efficiency of learning the more advanced comprehension skills such as summarizing - main idea - plot - etc.
Research Based...
5th Grade Student Advances 1 Year in 30 Days!
ReadingKEY developer Richard Pressinger was asked to work with a 5th Grade student at Parkwood Elementary in Durham, NC. Although in 5th grade, the 12 year old student was only reading at a middle 1st grade level. He had been given every intervention availble during his five years at school, but without success. Before beginning ReadingKEY, we hired a school psychologist who tested the student using the Woodcock-Johnson Revised reading test. This would give us a baseline reading level. His grade level score was 1.5 (middle 1st Grade). We then set up a schedule with his teacher allowing us to work with the student outside his class five days a week for daily 30 minute sessions. We printed the lists for the first nine weeks of Grade 1 and taped these 3 feet off the floor side by side in a "quieter" area of the hallway. After continuing the Student List intervention for 30 days, we asked the psychologist to return and test our student a second time. On this subsequent test he scored a 2.6 grade level (middle 2nd Grade). In other words, while this student was previously advancing less than 3 months in reading ability for every year at school, ReadingKEY was able to advance him one full year in only 1 month. Certainly, an astounding level of progress by any definition and clearly demonstrating how other methods are available that can dramatically improve efficiency. This amount of progress is typical for older students reading at 1st grade level. Students in higher grades need a little longer (typically 2-3 months) to achieve 1 year in reading progress since higher grades have approximately double the vocabulary words as Grade 1.
Skeptical? We'll Come to your School - Really!
We understand the amount of progress achieved by the above student could be considered "too good to be true" by some teachers. However, we assure you it is typical for any 3rd, 4th or 5th grade student who is reading at middle 1st grade level. We would be glad to come to your school for an extended visit and spend 2-4 weeks working with several students of your choice. All we ask is that if we achieve the one year advancement with these students during the 30 day period, that at least 3 schools in your district purchase our Lifetime Site License (total cost $5,900). To learn more about this offer and demonstrtion please call (352) 484-1020.
Powerful Help for Below Grade Level Students
If you are working with a "below
grade level student," it is essential that you bring their reading level up to par
as soon as possible. Every year that passes without this being done, your student will fall
further behind, resulting in increased loss of interest in school,
poor self-esteem and increased risk for behavioral issues. You can stop and reverse this
downward spiral quickly with ReadingKEY. Just print our free Student Reading Wall
Lists ( beginning with the lists that are 6-12 months earlier than your student's
current reading level. Tape the lists along any wall about 3 feet off the
floor side by side (as in the picture above). Just follow the steps at the top of
each page and watch progress like you've never seen before. Our special memorization
techniques really do work! Even students with moderate learning difficulties
typically advance one year in reading level in just two or three months with only 15-20
minutes of instruction 3 or 4 days a week!
When to teach word reading (saying the
When to teach word meaning (definitions)
We've boasted quite a bit about the
efficiency of ReadingKEY in comparison to other methods. Part of this improved
efficiency is knowing when to teach word reading (fluency) and when to teach word meaning (definitions). As an example, for a student to reach a reading level of high 3rd
Grade, beginning 4th, he or she needs to know the 2000 "most-common" words
found in textbooks for Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. They must be able to say these 2000
words at a rate of about 1/2 to 3/4 second per word to attain maximum comprehension. It is important to know that
English speaking students already know the meaning of these words as these are what we
call the "common conversational words" used in their everyday
communication. When this 1/2 - 3/4 second goal is achieved for these 2000 vocabulary
words - reading comprehension improves dramatically! If your student is
currently using one of the many reading programs that practice elaborate comprehension
exercises, you are achieving only limited progress if the student cannot first read the
words fluently. In other words, vocabulary and fluency first and comprehension
will automatically follow. If you are teaching the other way around (comprehension
before fluency), you are wasting valuable time and dramatically reducing the efficiency of
the learning-to-read process.
Vocabulary Building
Worksheets that Effectively Teach Word Meaning and Proper Usage
Vocabulary words taught in Grades 4, 5
and 6 require a different strategy to be successful. Here, we not only insure the
student can read the words fluently, but also teach proper word meaning through various
exercises in the corresponding Vocabulary Building Worksheets. These exercises do an
excellent job in getting those difficult definitions memorized.
4 Main Advantages
over other Reading Programs
1. Faster Progress: Your student's reading ability
will improve much faster and this new rate of progress can be seen immediately.
2. Ease of Implementation - Very easy to use -
No need to master complicated learning techniques. Just follow the 4
memorization steps in our Fluency Builder Lists or the 10 Steps in our Classroom Program
for unprecedented progress! We also have demonstration videos so you can see both
programs in action.
3. Total Organization: All lessons are
laid out for you in sequential order from Grade 1 through Grade 6. Vocabulary
words are organized from "most-common" to "least-common" - giving you
the perfect order for instruction throughout the year. Organization of the words
into lists of common vowel sound and reading rule categories further increases the
efficiency of the learning process as well as greatly improving spelling skills.
4. Confidence: You'll always have an accurate
reading level for your student with ReadingKEY. Each lesson is marked with the Grade
and Week it is normally taught in school. You'll observe progress after just 10
minutes and see nearly 100% retention when testing your student the following morning.
This permanent retention after 24 hours is solid proof that ReadingKEY techniques really
are different and immensely effective!
Over 7000 schools and parents have
purchased the ReadingKey Vocabulary Program since its introduction in 1999. We were were asked to present a 3 day seminar of ReadingKEY at Hong Kong University in 2002 at their request and were told that ReadingKEY generated more progress for their chilren than other reading/English programs.
If you
are not yet a ReadingKey member, and would like to try this highly effective and easy to
use reading program, please click the "FREE TRIAL" link anywhere on this page. We also have a quick test at the top of the Free Trial page to determine your
student's approximate reading level - Takes just 5-10 minutes.
Watch the ReadingKEY Video
 |
Click the picture on the left to watch ReadingKey developer Richard Pressinger use the Student List Program with a 2nd Grade Florida student labeled as a non-reader. You will be impressed! |
1. |
We have over 4,000 words in our ReadingKEY Program. Words are organized along vowel sound categories and divided into hundreds of lists so where is the best place to start? Since words progress from most-common to least-common (easy to difficult), you do not want to begin with words your student cannot read, but instead, begin with the words where your student is reading the words correctly, but showing some difficulty with saying the words - for example, saying words slowly, hesitating etc. The key to achieving maximum reading comprehension is being able to say any given reading word in 1/2 to 3/4 second.
2. |
Once you have identified the general list area where your student is reading words correctly, but slowly, the next step is to download and PRINT the lists recommended from the test. While lists are organized along weekly lessons, just navigate to this lesson in our ReadingKEY Weekly second and click the link for STUDENT LISTS. All Student Lists for that week will then immediately download to your computer.
3. |
Take the lists out of your printer and tape along a wall 3 feet off the floor
side by side. The more lists the better. If room is available, try putting up 10, 15 or even 20 lists side by side.
4. |
Pull up two chairs and follow the four simple directions at the top of each list
and watch your student progress at a dramatically faster pace!
STEP 1: Teach the word list vowel sound.
STEP 2: Read up to the vowel sound only.
STEP 3: Read the entire word this time.
STEP 4: Use a stopwatch or cell phone stopwatch to time your student on saying the list words. Mark progress in the included bar graph on the lower right of each page. The following morning, when you come back to these lists, you'll see your student will be able to read them almost as fast as the previous day! In other words... the program worked!! |
Order Information - Click Here
ReadingKEY Saves Money
and Time
No reason to spend hundreds or thousands of
dollars on reading programs or tutoring services that are less effective.
ReadingKEY is available in 3 options:
$89.95 for 1 year password access -
$7.95 for a monthly membership.
We also offer a School
Site License at greatly reduced prices giving all teachers access to all materials for all
grades K through 6.
30 Day Guarantee
Use ReadingKEY with confidence. We
know that choosing the right reading program can be an overwhelming task so we provide you
with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason,
just call for a full refund during the 30 day period. We also invite you to view
ReadignKEY testimonials from teachers, parents, and school administrators - please see our Testimonial
Order Information
Purchase ReadingKEY for one classroom - one parent -
one grade - or an entire school. More information on purchase
options can be seen from our main
Call us Toll Free
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